Research and Education School of Life Sciences
Undergraduate Degree Programs (Life Sciences)
Established as Japan's first educational institution dedicated to training and research in the life sciences, the school has consistently been a pioneer in this field. We adopt an interdisciplinary approach to unlocking knowledge that pertains to the fundamental mysteries of life. Studies in major scientific fields are pursued in so far as they relate to living organisms. The educational philosophy of the School of Life Sciences is to foster talent in individuals, helping them to develop a broad base of specialized knowledge and to apply that knowledge with exceptional problem-solving skills.
Students learn to apply a wide range of knowledge related to living organisms to identify solutions to various issues. Their studies can draw upon diverse subjects in biology, chemistry, and physics, and extend to applications in the fields of molecular biology, medical science, and the environment.
Department of Molecular Life Sciences
Department of Applied Life Sciences
Department of Medical Sciences
Graduate Degree Programs (Life Sciences)
The Graduate School of Life Sciences aims to train people to have a high regard for humanity and life, a broad range of expertise and practical skills in the life sciences, and the ability to discover and explore issues and respond to challenges in society. Specifically, we aim to train researchers and technicians who will play a central role in the life sciences. This is accomplished through research that seeks underlying truths in life sciences, basic research into the causes of disease that can be applied to treatment, research into biological applications, and studies in environmental conservation.